
Blogging 101

Get a head start on our next I.T. training session.

Blogging has become quite the craze. It has evolved into a hugely popular communication tool both inside and outside of the classroom. But my focus will be solely on the educational value it brings to the table - and that value is huge. Talk about increasing reading and writing across the curriculum and getting students involved and active? I have enclosed a few links to get you primed for the next professional development training "Blogamania".

Allow Mark Wagner from the Ed Technolgy and Life blogsite to give you a basic explanation of a blog:

No blog discussion can be complete without an explanation of RSS Feed. You will find that subscribe-ability is one of the most powerful capabilities of a blog - you can actually subscribe to them!
Allow CommonCraft to explain, in their own creative way, RSS Feed.

And if you really wanna get a head start, try to create your blog. It is as easy as falling off a log. I use Its free and easy and it is one of the tools on iGoogle. So, when you log into your iGoogle account, you are also automatically logged onto your blogger account - which makes blog management quick and super easy.

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