I stumbled on possibly the greatest IT site I have seen in years! Its a must see.... Web 2.0 Guru is a collection of the newest and most effective web resources out there.
No Habla Engish? Russian? Spanish? No worries. Check out Google Translator. Super easy to use and much more practical than Babelfish or other translators... and it's FREE. Great for any teacher with ESL students.
Here is a very provocative and interesting video on changing education paradigms. I am particularly impressed with the white board prowess of the creator. Take some time and check it out, it worth a look. Special thanks to Cory Cullen, Hempfield teacher, for the heads up on this one!
1. Provide grants to teachers for designing and implementing "Green Projects" in their schools and communities.
2. Motivate educators to increase emphasis on environmental education.
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