
Professional Library now available

If you are looking for more information on I.T. trends or help with implementing effective instructional technology into your classroom, look no further. Stop in and check out United's new (and growing) I.T. Professional Library. You will find several of the hottest I.T. books out there along with several of the best I.T. magazines - all focused on improving tech literacy.

Monthly Magazine Selection:
i.e, Edutopia, Technology and Learning, The Journal, and eSchools News

Current Book Selection:
The World is Flat (Freidman), Leading Change (Kotter), On Leadership (Gardner), The Teaching Gap (Stigler/Hiebert), On Common Ground(DuFour/Eaker/DuFour)

Coming Soon:
We will be adding all of the books that are listed under the Shelfari Book list (located on the right side of this blog)

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